the cabinet
Velcome to der vunderkammer

In times past no stately home would be complete without its own 'cabinet of curiosities' or, as our German friends called it, a 'wunderkammer' (room of wonders). Sometimes these were indeed a simple cabinet, others (such as ours) took the form of entire rooms, stuffed to the rafters with all manner of natural oddities in glorious disarray. It was considered poor form to impose excessive curation upon ones collection, disarrangement and juxtaposition being seen as more conducive to the promotion of conjecture and curiosity.
And so, in keeping with this tradition, we offer to you our online collection in its entirety. Here you will find real animal skulls, framed insect displays, vintage taxidermy, taxidermy bats and more, arranged in no particular order. If you are searching for a specific item we recommend checking the menu where you will find our catalogue of natural curiosities presented in a somewhat less chaotic manner or, better yet, visit us in our natural environment at 687 Swanson Rd, Swanson Village, Auckland where you will find a much larger selection. We are by nature more analogue than digital and have not yet completely listed all our wares on this website. If you are searching for a specific item and cannot find it here please don't hesitate to contact us. If we don't have it we will make every effort to find it for you.